Request a new account
Your details
Welcome to the Hopwood Hall College Parent Portal. This form is only to be used by parents/guardians/employers NOT students. You can only register to access a student's record who is enrolled on a course at the College. Please enter your details. The email address you provide will be the username you use to log in with. Please note we can only authenticate your request if we have your details in our system already as the student's emergency contact.
Your Forename:
Your Surname:
Confirm email:
Your password
Password must be 8 character(s) or more in length and must contain at least upper and lower case letters and numbers.
Confirm Password:
Enter the details of the student you require access to as displayed on their student ID card. If you require access to more than one student account please create an additional request.
Add Student
Student Reference
Date of birth
Submit Request
Add Student
Please provide the required student information
Student ID:
Required Field
Student Forename:
Required Field
Student Surname:
Required Field
Student Date of Birth:
Required Field
Please provide some additional information to authenticate your request.
What is your relationship to the student?
Required Field
What course is the student currently enrolled on at the College?
Required Field
Delete student record?
Are you about to delete the selected item(s). This action cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?